NARRATIVE: If you were transported back to the year 1876, you might find this scene of Pretty Shield, a Crow (Apsáalooke) medicine woman, in her tipi. In her later years, Pretty Shield was interviewed by Frank B. Linderman. These interviews provide an invaluable glimpse into what life was like for her and her tribe in the 19th century.
She described detailed accounts of daily activities, such as hunting, food preparation, and the crafting of tools and clothing. As a medicine woman, Pretty Shield used her extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs to treat illnesses and injuries. She provided both physical and spiritual healing.
As an artist, I wanted to create a portrait to honor Pretty Shield and help people become engaged in her story. I like to use a juxtaposition of realism for the figure and abstraction for the background to bring the focus onto Pretty Shield. For the backgrounds, interesting brushstrokes and patterns are utilized to make any spot where your eye might rest a place of interest and intrigue. I feel like I’ve been given a talent from God that I feel I can use to help showcase and spotlight a people whose stories are rarely brought to light.
Pretty Shield once said, and I agree that we should “Listen to the old ones... keep their wisdom within your heart, and understand that wisdom in your mind."